
Hangul Beuja

Flying Wind Turbines the Future for Korea?

Published almost 3 years ago • 1 min read

속속 개발되는 공중 풍력발전시스템, 그림하늘을 나는 발전소?

[Constant development of Airborne Wind Generation Systems, the renewable energy that flies?] Link to original article

Note: Apologies if it wasn't made clear in the previous email, but I will now be sending weekly emails with segments from the weekly news in Korean, then a mini lesson outlining vocabulary and grammar.

공중에서 전기를 생산해 ‘하늘을 나는 발전소’로 불리는 공중 풍력발전기가 국내에서 개발된다. 최근 한국전기연구원(KERI)과 한국전력공사, 경남 창원시는 미래형 신재생 에너지로 주목받는 공중 풍력발전 개발에 나섰다.



공중- in the air

전기- electricity

하늘- sky

발전소- renewable energy

풍력발전기- wind energy

국내- domestic

미래형- future

신재생- (new) renewable energy

에너지- energy

주목- attention

최근- recent times

경남 창원시- Changwon, South Gyeongsang Province

개발- development


생산하다- to produce

날다- to fly

불리하다- to be called

개발하다- to be developed

받다- to receive

낳다- to start; spawn


공중- aerial


  1. -는- shortened version of the present continuous tense (-고 있는)
  2. -된다- becomes


Aerial wind energy generators that can produce electricity from the air, nicknamed ‘Flying Renewable Energy’, have been manufactured. Recently the Korea Electricity Research Institute (KERI) and Korean Electric Power Corporation have started the development of ‘the renewable energy of the future’ in Changwon, South Gyeongsang Province.

Currently Wind Generation Systems are made using kite-like objects:

Feel free to send ideas, questions or any queries by replying to this email or email

Hangul Beuja

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