
Hangul Beuja

S. Korea signs into the Artemis program, a US international space program

Published almost 3 years ago • 1 min read

한국, 달 탐사 ‘아르테미스’ 참여, 힘을 합쳐 우주로~!

[Korea participates in moon exploration ‘Artemis’, to outer space with uniting strength~!] Link to original article

미국의 유인 달 탐사 프로그램 ‘아르테미스’를 추진하기 위해 국제사회가 협력해야 한다는 원칙을 담은 ‘아르테미스 약정’에 우리나라가 최근 서명했다.

이로써 우리나라는 아르테미스 약정에 서명한 10번째 참여국이 됐다.


미국- USA

유인- invitation

탐사- exploration

프로그램- program (loan word from English)

아르테미스- Artemis

국제사회- international community

원칙- principle

약장- agreement

우리- we; us

나라- country

참여국- participating country


추진하다- to propel [as in a driving force]

위하다- to be for the purpose of

협력하다- to cooperate

담다- to be filled with

서명하다- to sign (into)

돼다- to become


달- moon


최근- recently

이로써- as a result; hereby

번째- classifier for ordinal numbers


  1. -기- noun to verb stem (needed when a verb follows it: e.g. 추진하기 위해- for the purpose of a propelling)
  2. -야 한다- have to; must (written form of -야 된다)


Our country has recently signed into the ‘Artemis agreement’ of the US invitation space exploration [program] ‘Artemis’, where the driving force is the principle of cooperation in the international community.

As a result our country has become the 10th participating country that has signed in the Artemis agreement.

Video from Yonhap News detailing the Artemis program

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Hangul Beuja

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